Mahabis Claim Form
Mahabis Claim Form
If you previously purchased Mahabis slippers with a detachable sole, you could be entitled to $100. The deadline may be as early as July 1, 2020, though, so you want to complete and submit a claims form as soon as possible! The process is explained below with a comprehensive guide attached!
The completed claims forms must be emailed to Please also copy us at
You can find a blank form at the bottom of this page.
Advice for Completing the Form
To start, know that you are the Creditor, so if it asks for the Creditor's name or address, put your information!
Also, if you are an individual, you can disregard the sections which refer to businesses, such as the registration number.
When it asks for the claim amount, insert the amount you spent to purchase the product, before taxes. It does not include uncapitalised state interest, so you can leave that blank.
For details around when the debt was incurred, enter information about when and how you purchased the product. For example, you could say "I purchased the shoes online in June of 2018. However, because they were defective, they never filled their intended purpose, and thus a debt was incurred."
You can also leave the sections blank which asks for details surrounding the security held and title about the product, these do not apply to this situation.
For the details about the document substantiating the debt, just input information from the receipt of purchase. If you purchased the product online, you should be able to find this in your email.
Finally, disregard the sections about preferential debt and dividend interest.
Don't forget to add your electronic signature!
For more information, download the comprehensive guide below which has a sample form filled out, more instructions about what everything means, and another blank form for you to download and complete.
Following this website, the guide, and/or any other of our social media postings does not count as an agreement on our part to represent you, nor does it bound us to Attorney/Client privilege as it does not create an Attorney/Client relationship.
This is not an advertisement for our services, nor for the products sold by Mahabis shoes.
We have made this guide for public use and distribution. However, in making this guide, we are not agreeing to represent the users of this guide, nor are we agreeing to represent people who submit this claims form. Thus, we are not bound by attorney/client privilege and no attorney/client relationship is formed by completing this claims form. This guide is merely to help explain this particular claims form to people. We will not be held responsible nor liable if the advice given is followed and the outcome differs than what is anticipated. This guide is not an advertisement for our services, nor for Mahabis products.